Household Garbage
Household Garbage Pickup Map
The Sanitation department is responsible for the removal of household garbage. Every residential owner, agent or occupant in the city shall provide a container with a tight-fitting cover of such size as to be easily handled. All garbage should be placed in plastic liners inside the container. The Sanitation department will remove the garbage on the designated day for each respective area in the city. Please see the Sanitation map Household Garbage Pickup Map or call the City of Buford at 770-945-6761 for the removal schedule.
Items not collected by the Sanitation department are: tires, batteries, paint cans, rocks, dirt, brick, carpet, or building materials.For information on disposal of these type materials, please go to .
It shall be illegal and constitute a misdemeanor for any person who resides outside the city limits of the city to bring any type garbage or waste into the city for the purpose of dumping without obtaining a permit from the city. Anyone caught bringing garbage or waste into the city shall be guilty of the violation of a city ordinance and shall be punished as such.