2025 City of Buford
Rezoning & Special Use Permit Public Hearing Schedules
Filing Date * Last Date To Withdraw * Planning Comm. Hearing **
12-6-24 12-13-24 1-14-25
1-3-25 1-10-25 2-11-25
1-31-25 2-7-25 3-11-25
2-28-25 3-1-25 4-8-25
4-4-25 4-11-25 5-13-25
5-2-25 5-9-25 6-10-25
6-6-25 6-13-25 7-8-25
7-3-25 7-11-25 8-12-25
8-1-25 8-8-25 9-9-25
9-5-25 9-12-25 10-14-25
10-3-25 10-10-25 11-11-25
10-31-25 11-7-25 12-9-25
* Close of business day (5:00 p.m.)
** Meeting time, 7:00 PM. The meeting schedule is subject to change due to Holidays.